What is Remote or Virtual Coaching?
If you would like some help with your golf game and can’t find the time to see us in person, or if you travel a long distance for lessons, virtual coaching programs might be the perfect fit! Take advantage of the programs provided from the comfort of your own home or even at your local driving range. Offers range from swing analysis to 60-min, small group LIVE sessions to private 30-minute LIVE lessons. Also, a “TWILIGHT COACH” program will be launched for on-course play and virtual caddie, coach! These are beneficial and work! Jordan Young Golf uses Coach Now App, V1 Golf APP, Zoom, Skype, FaceTime, text and emails as online coaching tools to train, coach and build relationships with players. In the end, helping you all develop your game.
Get Ready For The Prcess
CLICK HERE to follow these best practices when sending your video for review or LIVE lessons
- First, email me your intensions and include what problems you may have
- Secondly, send a swing video, down the line and face on into COACH NOW or V1
- Carefully place camera in a stable location when you swing, then take videos
- Make sure to have your phone camera set at 240 FPS (frames/second)
- Set camera at waist level, FACE ON and at 90 degrees from target line
- Set camera at waist level, DOWN LINE and through the “hand line” to target
- Try to have the camera in the same position for all videos, you will get good at it!
- I will set up a ZOOM or SKYPE, inviting you to discuss your swing LIVE
- All coaching sessions are recorded and placed into your Coach Now Training Space

All online coaching programs begin at the time of the first SKYPE session.
Payment must be made through this site before your first session.
COACH NOW and SKYPE are available in your APP store. Ready to get started?
LET’S GET IT DONE! Please email me if you have any questions.

V1 Swing Analysis
- Send in your swing using the V1 Golf APP (Not a LIVE lesson)
- Voice over analysis along with drills to work on for improving your swing faults
- Continued learning, (2) week post lesson communications with Coach Now APP

Junior Silver Coaching Program
(3) Remote – Virtual Coaching Groups
- Monthly program includes virtual coaching sessions, supervised practice, 4:1 ratio
- Virtual supervision, coaching provided by Jordan Young using ZOOM/SKYPE
- Coach Now APP communications, supplemental work after each session
- Group sign-up through JTT/ATT scheduler, BOOK NOW location on this website
Adult Silver Coaching Program
(2) Remote – Virtual Coaching Groups
- Monthly program includes virtual coaching sessions, supervised practice, 4:1 ratio
- Virtual supervision, coaching provided by Jordan Young using ZOOM/SKYPE
- Coach Now APP communications, supplemental work after each session
- Group sign-up through JTT/ATT scheduler, BOOK NOW location on this website

Junior Gold Coaching Program Full Description
(2) Remote – Virtual Coaching Groups and (1) Private Remote Coaching
- Monthly program includes (2) virtual coaching sessions, supervised practice, 4:1 ratio
- Includes (1) private, 30-minute virtual coaching session
- Virtual supervision and coaching provided by Jordan Young using ZOOM or SKYPE
- Coach Now APP communications and supplemental work after each session
- Group sign-up through JTT/ATT scheduler, BOOK NOW location on this website
- Book your private virtual coaching with Jordan directly
Adult Gold Coaching Program Full Description
(2) Remote – Virtual Coaching Groups and (1) Private Remote Coaching
- Monthly program includes (2) virtual coaching sessions, supervised practice, 4:1 ratio
- Includes (1) private, 30-minute virtual coaching session
- Virtual supervision and coaching provided by Jordan Young using ZOOM or SKYPE
- Coach Now APP communications and supplemental work after each session
- Group sign-up through JTT/ATT scheduler, BOOK NOW location on this website
- Book your private virtual coaching with Jordan directly

Junior Platinum Coaching Program Full Description
(3) Remote – Virtual Coaching Groups and (2) Private Remote Coaching
- Monthly program includes (3) virtual coaching sessions, supervised practice, 4:1 ratio
- Includes (2) private, 30-minute virtual coaching sessions
- Virtual supervision and coaching provided by Jordan Young using ZOOM or SKYPE
- Coach Now APP communications and supplemental work after each session
- Group sign-up through JTT/ATT scheduler, BOOK NOW location on this website
- Book your private virtual coaching with Jordan directly
Adult Platinum Coaching Program Full Description
(2) Remote – Virtual Coaching Groups and (2) Private Remote Coaching
- Monthly program includes (2) virtual coaching sessions, supervised practice, 4:1 ratio
- Includes (2) private, 30-minute virtual coaching sessions
- Virtual supervision and coaching provided by Jordan Young using ZOOM or SKYPE
- Coach Now APP communications and supplemental work after each session
- Group sign-up through JTT/ATT scheduler, BOOK NOW location on this website
- Book your private virtual coaching with Jordan directly